Welcoming All...
Deepening Faith...
Serving our Community...
Welcome to St Andrew's Fulham Fields!
St Andrew’s seeks to be a church that welcomes and serves all people in the name of Jesus Christ, as we discover fullness of life together.
✴ What's On ✴
Monthly update from the parish
and key dates for your diary.
Subscribe to our weekly newsletter.
Regular Services
Parish Communion (with Children's Church) – Sundays at 10am
1st Sunday of each month: All Age service where children and young people play an active part in the service.
Evening Service - Sundays at 6:30pm
1st Sunday of each month: Choral Evensong - a beautiful ‘cathedral style’ service with anthems and organ voluntary.
(View our monthly update from the Director of Music)Other Sundays, a simple and reflective service of Evening Prayer or Compline.
Midweek Eucharist - Wednesdays at 12pm
A short weekly service of Holy Communion. Join us for a simple soup lunch afterwards.
Morning Prayer (Monday-Thursday at 8:30am)
Join us in the Lady Chapel at 8:30am Monday-Thursday to start the day with prayer.
We also stream this on our Facebook page.
Some of the photographs on this website are copyright of Crowther Associates Architects, used with permission